

              姓  名:
              性  別:
              職  務(wù):
              職  稱(chēng):
              學(xué)  歷:
              電  話(huà):
              傳  真:

              2022.06~今:    中國科學(xué)南京地理與湖泊研究所,副研究員
              2018.09~2019.09  瑞士UNINE大學(xué),博士后
              2017.03~2022.05  中國科學(xué)南京地理與湖泊研究所,助理研究員
              2016.07~2017.02  西南大學(xué),地理科學(xué)學(xué)院,講師
              2013.09~2016.07  中國科學(xué)院南京地理與湖泊研究所,自然地理學(xué), 博士
              2010.09~2013.07  新疆大學(xué),資源與環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)院,地理學(xué),碩士

              社會(huì )任職:

              2021,  入選“江蘇省科協(xié)青年科技人才托舉工程”
              2018,  瑞士聯(lián)邦政府FCS杰出海外學(xué)者獎學(xué)金
              2021,  中國科學(xué)院南京地理與湖泊研究所年度優(yōu)秀科技成果獎.
              2021,  中國科學(xué)院南京地理與湖泊研究所年度先進(jìn)個(gè)人
              2016,  中國科學(xué)院南京分院伍宜孫獎學(xué)金
              2013~2014,  任全國地理學(xué)研究生聯(lián)合會(huì )常務(wù)理事
              2013,  研究生國家獎學(xué)金
              1. Renhua Yan, Lingling Li, Junfeng Gao, Jiacong Huang, 2022. Exploring the influence of seasonal cropland abandonment on evapotranspiration and water resources in the humid lowland region, southern China. Water Resources Research, 58: e2021WR031888.
              2. Renhua Yan, Junfeng Gao, 2021. Evaluating the complementary relationship to calculate evapotranspirationby using multiple models in a humid lowland region, Southeast China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 310:108645.
              3. Renhua Yan, Philip Brunner, Junfeng Gao, 2021. Simulation of the nitrogen dynamics of lowland polders using a new coupled modelling approach: Insights into management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 313: 127753.
              4. Renhua Yan, Junfeng Gao, Jiacong Huang, 2016. WALRUS-paddy model for simulating the hydrological processes of lowland polders with paddy fields and pumping stations. Agricultural Water Management,169,148-161.
              5. Renhua Yan, Junfeng Gao, Jiacong Huang, 2019. Modelling the hydrological processes of a Chinese lowland polder and identifying the key factors using an improved PHPS model. Journal of Hydrology, 578: 124083.
              6. Renhua Yan, Lingling Li, Junfeng Gao, 2019. Framework for quantifying rural NPS pollution of a humid lowland catchment in Taihu Basin, Eastern China. Science of the Total Environment, 688: 983-993.
              7. Renhua Yan, Jiacong Huang, Lingling Li, Junfeng Gao, 2017. Hydrology and phosphorus transport simulation in a lowland polder by a coupled modeling system (PHPS). Environmental Pollution, 227,613-625. 
              8. Renhua Yan, Lingling Li, Junfeng Gao, 2018. Modelling the regulation effects of lowland polder with pumping station on hydrological processes and phosphorus loads. Science of the Total Environment, 637,200-207.
              9. Renhua Yan, Yongnian Gao, Lingling Li, Junfeng Gao, 2019. Estimation of water environmental capacity and pollution load reduction for urban lakeside of Lake Taihu, Eastern China. Ecological Engineering, 139, 105587.
              10. Renhua Yan, Junfeng Gao, 2021. Key factors affecting discharge, soil erosion, nitrogen and phosphorus exports from agricultural polder. Ecological Modelling, 452, 109586.
              11. Renhua Yan, Jiangcong Huang, Yan Wang, Junfeng Gao, Lingyan Qi, 2016. Modeling the combined impact of future climate and land use changes on streamflow of Xinjiang Basin, China. Hydrology Research, 47,356-372. 
              12. Renhua Yan, Junfeng Gao, Lingling Li, Jiacong Huang, 2016. Modeling the hydrological effects of climate and land use/cover changes in Chinese lowland polder using an improved WALRUS model. Hydrology Research, 47,84-101. 
              13. Renhua Yan, Jiacong Huang, Junfeng Gao, 2016. Streamflow response to future climate and land use changes in Xinjiang basin, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75,1-15.
              14. Lingling Li, Renhua Yan*(通訊), Bin Xue, 2020. Methane Levels of a River Network in Wuxi City, China and Response to Water Governance. Water, 12, 2617. [SCI]
              15. 閆人華, 高俊峰, 董川永,等. 2015. 太湖流域圩區陸地生態(tài)服務(wù)價(jià)值評估. 環(huán)境科學(xué)研究, 28( 3):393-400.
              16. 閆人華, 高俊峰, 黃琪,等. 2015,  太湖流域圩區水生態(tài)系統服務(wù)功能價(jià)值. 生態(tài)學(xué)報, 35( 15):5197-5206.
              17. 閆人華, 熊黑鋼,  張芳,等. 2013. 夏秋季綠洲—荒漠過(guò)渡帶芨芨草地蒸散及能量平衡特征研究,中國沙漠, 33(1):133-140.
              18. 閆人華, 熊黑鋼, 瞿秀華,等. 2013. 1975a以來(lái)新疆縣域產(chǎn)業(yè)結構的空間分異研究.經(jīng)濟地理, 33(3):99-105.
              19. 閆人華, 熊黑鋼, 馮振華,等. 2013. 綠洲—荒漠過(guò)渡帶芨芨草地SPAC系統蒸散與多環(huán)境因子關(guān)系分析[J].干旱區地理,36(5): 889-896.

              1. 2021.01~2024.12, 山丘-平原圩區復合型流域河流濁度時(shí)空演化模擬,國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目,項目負責人
              2. 2018.01~2020.12, 基于WALRUS改進(jìn)模型的平原典型圩區水文過(guò)程模擬,國家自然科學(xué)基金青年項目,項目負責人
              3. 2021.07~2023.06, 江蘇省科協(xié)青年科技人才托舉工程(人才項目), 項目負責人
              4. 2017.06~2019.05, 平原河網(wǎng)區典型小流域水文模擬及調控作用研究,中國科學(xué)院南京地理與湖泊研究所人才引進(jìn)項目,項目負責人
              5. 2017.01~2020.12, 復雜雨洪條件下濱湖城市河網(wǎng)區面源污染水質(zhì)響應與調控技術(shù),2017-2020,國家水專(zhuān)項子課題, 技術(shù)骨干
              6. 2017.01~2020.12, 流域水環(huán)境管理技術(shù)體系集成與應用,國家水專(zhuān)項子課題, 技術(shù)骨干
              7. 2019.06~2020.08, 湖州中心城區治渾研究,地方委托項目, 技術(shù)骨干
              8. 2017.12~2019.12, 典型河道水生態(tài)修復關(guān)鍵技術(shù)研究與應用實(shí)施方案,江蘇水利科技項目, 技術(shù)骨干