

              姓  名:
              性  別:
              職  務(wù):
              職  稱(chēng):
              學(xué)  歷:
              電  話(huà):
              傳  真:

              2021.06~今:  中國科學(xué)南京地理與湖泊研究所,副研究員
              2016.7~2021.05  中國科學(xué)院南京地理與湖泊研究所,助理研究員
              2012.09~2016.07  中國科學(xué)院南京地理與湖泊研究所,環(huán)境科學(xué)專(zhuān)業(yè),博士
              2009.09~2012.06  廣西大學(xué),環(huán)境工程專(zhuān)業(yè),碩士
              2005.09~2009.06  廣西大學(xué),環(huán)境工程專(zhuān)業(yè),學(xué)士

              社會(huì )任職:

              (1) Cheng Liu, Yiheng Du, Hongbin Yin, Chengxin Fan, Kaining Chen*, Jicheng Zhong, Xiaozhi Gu. Exchanges of nitrogen and phosphorus across the sediment-water interface influenced by the external suspended particulate matter and the residual matter after dredging. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 246: 207-216.
              (2) Cheng Liu,Yiheng Du,Kaining Chen*,Shuzhan Ma, Bingfa Chen, Yuanming Lan. Contrasting exchanges of nitrogen and phosphorus across the sediment–water interface during the drying and re-inundation of littoral eutrophic sediment. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 255(3): 113356.
              (3) Cheng Liu, Kaining Chen, Zhaode Wang, Chengxin Fan*, Xiaozhi Gu, Wei Huang. Nitrogen exchange across the sediment-water interface after dredging: The influence of contaminated riverine suspended particulate matter. Environmental Pollution. 2017, 299C: 879-886. 
              (4) Cheng Liu, Lei Zhang, Chengxin Fan*, Fuliu Xu, Kaining Chen, Xiaozhi Gu. Temporal occurrence and sources of persistent organic pollutants in suspended particulate matter from the most heavily polluted river mouth of Lake Chaohu, China. Chemosphere. 2017, 174: 39-45. 
              (5) Cheng Liu, Chengxin Fan*, Qiushi Shen, Shiguang Shao, Lei Zhang, Qilin Zhou. Effects of riverine suspended particulate matter on post-dredging metal re-contamination across the sediment-water interface. Chemosphere, 2016, 144: 2329-2335. 
              (6) Cheng Liu,Jicheng Zhong, Jianjun Wang, Lu Zhang, Chengxin Fan*. Fifteen-year study of environmental dredging effect on variation of nitrogen and phosphorus exchange across the sediment-water interface of an urban lake. Environmental Pollution. 2016, 219: 639-648. 
              (7) Cheng Liu, Shiguang Shao, Qiushi Shen, Chengxin Fan*, Lei Zhang, Qilin Zhou. Effects of riverine suspended particulate matter on the post-dredging increase in internal phosphorus loading across the sediment–water interface. Environmental Pollution, 2016, 211: 165-172.
              (8) Cheng Liu, Qiushi Shen, Qilin Zhou, Shiguang Shao, Chengxin Fan*. Precontrol of algae-induced black blooms through sediment dredging at appropriate depth in a typical eutrophic shallow lake. Ecological Engineering, 2015, 77: 139-145. 
              (9) Cheng Liu*,Ming Kong,Lei Zhang,Kaining Chen,Xiaozhi Gu,Xiaoming Hao. Metal bioavailability during the periodic drying and rewetting process of littoral anoxic sediment. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2020, 20: 2949–2959.
              (10) Cheng Liu,Xiaozhi Gu*,Kaining Chen,Chengxin Fan, Lei Zhang, Wei Huang. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Exchanges Across the Sediment-Water Interface in a Bay of Lake Chaohu. Water Environment Research, 2018, 90(11): 1956-1963.
              (11) Cheng Liu, Shiguang Shao, Qilin Zhou, Chengxin Fan*, Qiushi Shen, Fuliu Xu. Use of multi-objective dredging for remediation of contaminated sediments: a case study of a typical heavily polluted confluence area in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2015, 22(22): 17839-17849. 
              (12) Cheng Liu, Shiguang Shao, Chengxin Fan*, Qiushi Shen. Removal of volatile organic sulfur compounds by aeration during algae-induced black blooms in shallow lakes. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-AQUA, 2016, 65(2): 172-180.
              (13) Cheng Liu*,Shiguang Shao,Lei Zhang,Yiheng Du,Kaining Chen,Chengxin Fan,Yang Yu. Sulfur Development in the Water-Sediment System of the Algae Accumulation Embay Area in Lake Taihu. Water, 2019, 11(9): 1817.
              (14) 劉成, 邵世光, 范成新*, 周麒麟,商景閣. 巢湖重污染匯流灣區沉積物重金屬污染特征及風(fēng)險評價(jià). 中國環(huán)境科學(xué),2014,34(4), 1031-1037. 
              (15) 劉成, 邵世光, 范成新*,周麒麟,陳超, 申秋實(shí). 巢湖重污染匯流灣區沉積物營(yíng)養鹽分布與釋放風(fēng)險. 環(huán)境科學(xué)研究,2014,27(11),1059-1065. 
              (1) 劉成,杜奕衡,陳開(kāi)寧. 一種基于4R理論的復合污染物多目標環(huán)保疏浚方法. 2021.3.16. 201910468887.X (發(fā)明專(zhuān)利,授權) 
              (2) 劉成,杜奕衡,陳開(kāi)寧,范成新,古小治,黃蔚. 一種湖泊細顆粒物捕獲裝置. 2019.2.19. 201821307131.4. (實(shí)用新型,授權)

               1. 2021.01~2024.12 項目名稱(chēng):湖泊聚藻區底棲生物的沉降顆粒搬運對界面磷遷移轉化影響(42077310),國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目,項目負責人;
              2. 2020.07~2022.06 項目名稱(chēng):湖濱帶系統根際沉積物-水界面磷遷移轉化機制,江蘇省科協(xié)青年科技人才托舉工程(人才項目),項目負責人;
              3. 2018.01~2020.12 項目名稱(chēng):藻源性顆粒沉降脅迫下湖濱區苦草生長(cháng)響應機制研究(41703078),國家自然科學(xué)基金青年項目,項目負責人;
              4. 2017.06 ~2020.06項目名稱(chēng):湖濱濕地水底邊界層藻源性還原態(tài)硫脅迫下苦草生長(cháng)響應機制研究(BK20171101),江蘇省自然科學(xué)基金青年項目,項目負責人;
              5. 2017.01~2019.12 項目名稱(chēng):中國科學(xué)院南京地理與湖泊研究所人才啟動(dòng)課題:河口水體懸浮顆粒物沉降驅動(dòng)下疏浚新生泥水界面內源磷負荷響應機制研究(Y7SL011001),項目負責人;
              6. 2017.01~2021.06項目名稱(chēng):國家 “十三五”國家科技重大專(zhuān)項:“巢湖富營(yíng)養化中長(cháng)期治理方案和藻類(lèi)水華全過(guò)程控制”課題(2017ZX07603-005),專(zhuān)題任務(wù)負責人。
              7. 2018.01~2021.06項目名稱(chēng):國家“十三五”國家科技重大專(zhuān)項:“太湖流域水生態(tài)環(huán)境功能分區管控策略研究與業(yè)務(wù)化運行”課題(2018ZX07208-004),專(zhuān)題任務(wù)負責人。
              8. 2020.08~2021.10 項目名稱(chēng):德國政府貸款河北衡水湖國家級自然保護區濕地保護與恢復項目:衡水湖植物收割效果監測評估(20DE01GTF1NWS0073),專(zhuān)題任務(wù)負責人。
              9. 2018.09-2018.12 項目名稱(chēng):太湖底泥污染分析評估,項目負責人。
              10. 2019.08-2020.06 項目名稱(chēng):南漪湖、高郵湖底泥內源污染評估,項目負責人。
              11. 2021.01-2022.06 項目名稱(chēng):衡水湖水生態(tài)環(huán)境健康現狀及承載能力分析,項目骨干。
              12. 2020.03-2020.12 項目名稱(chēng):衡水湖東北部區域生態(tài)恢復項目實(shí)施方案,項目骨干。
              13. 2017.01~2020.12 項目名稱(chēng):中國科學(xué)院“一三五”戰略規劃重點(diǎn)突破項目:淺水湖泊流域生態(tài)系統調控關(guān)鍵技術(shù)整裝集成,項目骨干。
              14. 2016.10~2018.10 項目名稱(chēng):江蘇省太湖水環(huán)境綜合治理科研課題:區域(社區)污染型河流可持續水質(zhì)改善技術(shù)研究與長(cháng)效運管綜合示范,項目骨干。
              15. 2020.04-2023.04 項目名稱(chēng):德清縣對河口水庫水源地生態(tài)環(huán)境保護項目,項目骨干。