

              姓  名:
              性  別:
              職  務(wù):
              職  稱(chēng):
              學(xué)  歷:
              電  話(huà):
              傳  真:



              2020.05~今:   中國科學(xué)南京地理與湖泊研究所,副研究員

              2016.07~2020.04 中國科學(xué)南京地理與湖泊研究所,助理研究員


              2012.09~2016.06 中國科學(xué)院生態(tài)環(huán)境研究中心,生態(tài)學(xué),博士

              2014.08~2015.09 美國康奈爾大學(xué)(Cornell University),國家公派訪(fǎng)問(wèn)博士

              2009.09~2012.06 首都師范大學(xué),環(huán)境科學(xué),碩士

              2005.09~2009.06 河北農業(yè)大學(xué),環(huán)境科學(xué),學(xué)士



              社會(huì )任職:


              1. 2018年 江蘇省青年地理科技獎

              2. 2017年 中國科學(xué)院南京地理與湖泊研究所青年學(xué)術(shù)交流獎

              3. 2016年 優(yōu)秀博士研究生國家獎學(xué)金獲得者

              4. 2014年 國家留學(xué)基金委(CSC)公派獎學(xué)金獲得者


              (1)李敘勇,張汪壽,劉云. 淮河流域生態(tài)系統評估. 北京:科學(xué)出版社, 2017. ISBN 978-7-03-050405-0 (專(zhuān)著(zhù))

              (2)Zhang WS, Li HP, David H, et al., 2020. Water quality trends under rapid agricultural expansion and enhanced in-stream interception in a hilly watershed of Eastern China. Environmental Research Letters. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab8981

              (3)Zhang WS, Li HP, Pueppke SG, et al., 2020. Nutrient loss is sensitive to land cover changes and slope gradients of agricultural hillsides: Evidence from four contrasting pond systems in a hilly catchment. Agricultural Water Management 237: 106165

              (4)Zhang WS, Li HP, Xiao QT, et al., 2020. Surface nitrous oxide (N2O) concentrations and fluxes from different rivers draining contrasting landscapes: Spatio-temporal variability, controls, and implications based on IPCC emission factor. Environmental Pollution 263: 114457

              (5)Zhang WS, Pueppke SG, Li HP, et al., 2019. Modeling phosphorus sources and transport in a headwater catchment with rapid agricultural expansion. Environmental Pollution 255: 113273

              (6)Zhang WS, Li HP, Kendall AD, et al., 2019. Nitrogen transport and retention in a headwater catchment with dense distributions of lowland ponds. Science of The Total Environment 683: 37-48

              (7)Zhang WS, Li HP, Li YL, 2019. Spatio-temporal dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus input budgets in a global hotspot of anthropogenic inputs. Science of the Total Environment 656: 1108:1120

              (8)Zhang WS, Chen DQ, Li HP, 2018. Spatio-temporal dynamics of water quality and their linkages with the watershed landscape in highly disturbed headwater watersheds in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25: 35287-35300

              (9)Zhang WS, Swaney DP, Hong B, et al., 2017. Anthropogenic phosphorus inputs to a river basin and their impacts on phosphorus fluxes along its upstream-downstream continuum. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122: 3273-3287

              (10)Zhang WS, Swaney DP, Hong B, et al., 2017. Influence of rapid rural-urban population migration on riverine nitrogen pollution: perspective from ammonia-nitrogen. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24: 27201-27214

              (11)Zhang WS, Li XY, Swaney DP, et al., 2016. Does food demand and rapid urbanization growth accelerate regional nitrogen inputs? Journal of Cleaner Production, 112: 1401-1409

              (12)Zhang WS, Swaney DP, Hong B, et al., 2015. Net anthropogenic phosphorus inputs and riverine phosphorus fluxes in highly populated headwater watersheds in China. Biogeochemistry, 126(3): 269-283

              (13)Zhang WS, Swaney DP, Li XY, et al., 2015. Anthropogenic point-source and non-point-source nitrogen inputs into Huai River basin and their impacts on riverine ammonia–nitrogen flux. Biogeosciences, 12(14): 4275-4289

              (14)張汪壽, 李敘勇, 杜新忠等. 流域人類(lèi)活動(dòng)凈氮輸入量(NANI)的估算、不確定性及影響因素. 生態(tài)學(xué)報,2015, 34(24):7454-7464

              (15)張汪壽, 蘇靜君, 杜新忠等. 1990—2010年淮河流域人類(lèi)活動(dòng)凈氮輸入. 應用生態(tài)學(xué)報, 2015, 26(6): 1831-1839

              (16)張汪壽, 李敘勇, 蘇靜君. 河流氮輸出對流域人類(lèi)活動(dòng)凈氮輸入的響應研究綜述. 應用生態(tài)學(xué)報, 2014, 25(1):272-278

              (17)張汪壽, 耿潤哲, 王曉燕等. 基于多準則分析的非點(diǎn)源污染評價(jià)和分區——以北京懷柔區北宅小流域為例. 環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)報, 2013, 33(1):258-266

              (18)張汪壽, 李曉秀, 王曉燕等. 北運河武清段水污染時(shí)空變異特征. 環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)報, 2012, 32(4):836-846

              (19)張汪壽, 李曉秀, 王曉燕等. 北運河下游灌區不同土地利用方式下氮素流失規律. 環(huán)境科學(xué)學(xué)報, 2011, 31(12):2698-2706

              (20)張汪壽, 黃文江, 李曉秀等. 不同土地利用條件下土壤質(zhì)量綜合評價(jià)方法. 農業(yè)工程學(xué)報, 2010, 26(12):311-318


              1. 2018.12~2022.12 項目名稱(chēng):宜居村鎮建設的水資源承載力優(yōu)化調控技術(shù)途徑,國家重點(diǎn)研發(fā)“綠色宜居村鎮技術(shù)創(chuàng )新”專(zhuān)項,子課題負責人

              2. 2018.01~2020.12 項目名稱(chēng):太湖上游茶園坡地氮磷流失過(guò)程及其對植被蓋度變化的響應機制,國家自然科學(xué)青年基金項目,項目負責人

              3. 2018.01~2020.12 項目名稱(chēng):流域-湖庫生態(tài)水文過(guò)程與模擬,中科院南京地理與湖泊所“一三五”重點(diǎn)部署項目,課題負責人

              4. 2017.10~2020.10 項目名稱(chēng):蘇南丘陵區典型坡地氮磷輸移過(guò)程與流失機制,江蘇省自然科學(xué)青年基金項目,項目負責人

              5. 2017.01~2017.12 項目名稱(chēng):天目湖流域主要濕地反硝化脫氮能力評估,地方政府委托項目,項目負責人

              6. 2016.07~2018.12 項目名稱(chēng):太湖上游丘陵區坡地養分流失及生態(tài)水文過(guò)程研究,中科院南京地理與湖泊所人才引進(jìn)項目,項目負責人